Register For Our Free Workshop
At Echols Law Group, we believe knowledge is power. We are committed to serving our community through free, educational workshops on Estate Planning, Asset Protection, and more! We offer both in-person and virtual options, to ensure there is a convenient time for you.
In this form, please let us know which workshop(s) you would like to register for, as well as your information. Once you register, we will email you with more details.
For virtual workshops, we will send you a link to join the workshop. For in-person workshops, we will send you the address.
If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to call our office or contact us here.
By providing your contact information in the above fields, you agree to allow Echols Law Group, P.C. and any representative thereof to send any content including, but not limited to, marketing materials to you. Please be advised that the attorney-client relationship is not created by providing contact information nor receipt of marketing material.